Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Uploaded by onemoreprod. - Discover more animation and arts videos.
New York invasion by 8-bits creatures !
PIXELS is Patrick Jean' latest short film, shot on location in New York.

Written, directed by : Patrick Jean
Director of Photography : Matias Boucard

I love this short video, its been around for 7 months and has got quite a liking.
I like how its animated and how things change into pixels as they get destroyed.
This would've been created using effects and editing after the filming. This would've required skill in filming and in the editing to put off the quality of his film.

I really like the use of Brake Out, to destroy the bridge, This uses of old and new combined, to say that the past still has an effect on how and the way we live in the most modern of city's.
The combination of Tetris and Pac Man also to combine with the game play of getting lines (Floors in the tower block) and eating dots (subway stations)Represents how some people can relate shapes and designs to games and media. 
This video will be targeted at many many people as the use of arcade games with the aspect of Pixel monsters taking over the world hits the old and young people, this is how this video has done so well, the mirage of the two aspects involves generations.

1 comment:

  1. an excellent choice for the blog - but you need more incisive analysis; make notes on the effective way retro games icons are combined with modern images and what this represents - eg the tetris symbols used to destroy a tower block - excellent marriage of old and new - what does this suggest about the TA....
    than analyse what ideas it gives you re content/style/technique/....
