Friday, November 19, 2010

Tony Hawk shred advert.

This advert uses the fact and the motion of what you could experience with the board in real life as it shows the house moving though the front windows.
This makes you duck and move about on your seat as you think the house is moving.

Using Tony Hawks at the end will give you the feel of being Hawk's and at his skill level of skate-boarding.
This also boosts his game, as all of his previous games has featured him in the advert. This show that he is the star of the game, he has made the game, not a company behind doors.

The target audience would be boarders or people that can't skate but would want to. Also people that inspire to be tony to see his moves.

1 comment:

  1. why?

    an excellent example to provide evidence of post-modern style used to market a game, what about the star image of using Hawks at the end - what does it say about the game AND Hawks?

    What are the implied and explicit messages for the audience??

    what are the rewards for buying the game - and who are the TA - how do you know??
